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    In the Remote Sensing Database the remote sensing data, ortophoto and remote sensing technical data are being managed.

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    Gre za bazo pokrovnosti tal za leto 2012. Baza podatkov CLC 2012 predstavlja pokrovnost tal za leto 2012. CLC 2012 je kombinacija revidirane baze za leto 2006 in baze sprememb med letoma 2006 in 2012. V Sloveniji je 34 razredov od 44 kot jih pozna CORINE. Najpogostejši tip pokrovnosti so gozdovi, ki predstavljajo več kot 50 % površja. Podatki so v vektorski prostorski bazi. Karta predstavlja realno stanje, ki ga je zaznal satelit.Podatkovni niz vsebuje:- 54.110,20 ha (Vodnih površin)- 3.423,15 ha (Z vodo namočenih površin)- 1.327.029,65 ha (Gozdnih in deloma ohranjenih naravnih površin)- 733.153,83 ha (Kmetijskih povšin)- 62.466,57 ha (Umetnih površin)

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    Register zemljepisnih imen je osnovni državni geoinformacijski sloj. Vsebuje imena objektov, ki imajo neko časovno, zgodovinsko, etnološko ali družbeno uveljavljeno identiteto, kar pomeni, da so bolj ali manj trajna v okolju. V register so zajeta imena krajev (imena naseljenih krajev, njihovih delov in imena zgradb), hidronimi (vodna imena), oronimi (imena reliefnih oblik) in horonimi (imena krajinskih delov). Imena so zajeta iz temeljnih topografskih načrtov v merilu 1 : 5.000 in 1 : 10.000, iz državnih topografskih kart v merilu 1 : 25.000 in iz državnih preglednih kart v merilih 1 : 250.000 in 1 : 1.000.000. REZI služi kot samostojni geoinformacijski sloj za lociranje objektov v prostor, kot nadgradnja ostalih geoinformacijskih slojev z zemljepisnimi imeni, za aplikacije na področju topografije, kartografije ter za geografske, statistične in jezikoslovne analize.

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    Ortofoto je aerofotografija, ki je z upoštevanjem podatkov o reliefu in absolutne orientacije aerofotografij pretvorjena iz centralne v ortogonalno projekcijo. Pri tem so odstranjeni vplivi optike aerofotoaparata, njegovega nagiba in vpliv razgibanosti terena. Mersko so primerljivi z linijskimi kartami, razdelitev na liste je enaka kot pri TTN5. Vsi ortofoti so na voljo v formatu TIFF. Izdelujejo se različni ortofoti glede na ločljivost in barvni spekter: - DOF025 - barvni (RGB) ortofoto z dolžino talnega intervala (DTI) 0,25 m - DOF050 - barvni (RGB) ortofoto z dolžino talnega intervala (DTI) 0,50 m - DOF050IR - barvni bližnje infrardeči (IR, R in G) ortofoto z dolžino talnega intervala (DTI) 0,50 m

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    Product of aerial survey (from airplane, helicopter) are aerial images as well as external orientation elements, that are used as final product or as an input parameter for further image processing. In the cyclical aerial survey of Slovenia professional (recently digital, large format) aerial cameras are used. These cameras use simultaneous surveying of aerial photos in several channels (panchromatic, red, green, blue, near infrared). Usuall ground sampling distance (GSD) is 0.25 m.

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    The vector data collection DPK 1000V is an object-oriented cartographic database at 1 : 1 000 000 scale. Elements on the map are divided into eight objects groups: mathematical elements, settlements and objects, communications, relief, hydrography, land cover, boundaries and dividing line, geographical names. The data set is used for "rough" orientation in the space and for the needs of large scale and thematic displaying.

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    Vector data collection DPK 500V is an object-oriented cartographic database at 1: 500 000 scale. Elements on the map are divided into eight object groups: mathematical elements, settlements and objects, communications, relief, hydrography, land cover, boundaries and dividing line, geographical names. The data set is used for "rough" geo-orientation and for the needs of large scale and thematic displaying.

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    The vector collection of data DPK 250V is object oriented cartographic database at 1 : 250 000 scale. Elements on the map are divided into eight groups: mathematical elements, settlements and objects, communications, relief, hydrography, land cover, boundaries and dividing lines, geographical names.

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    National Maps are cartographically processed topographic data, which are managed in the national spatial coordinate reference system and are presented in the national cartographic projection. National Maps are managed in digital format. National maps for the territory of the Republic of Slovenia are: - National Topographic Map at a scale 1 : 50 000, - National General Maps at a scales 1 : 250 000, 1 : 500 000, 1 : 750 000 and 1 : 1 000 000, - maps produced on the basis of an agreement or contract with the public authorities of other countries or international civil institutions and organizations and are showing the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

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    A brief description: National Topographic Map at 1 : 50 000 scale - vector data (DTK 50V) is an object-oriented cartographic database (vector elements). The objects are categorized into eight object groups: - mathematical elements - settlements and facilities - communications - relief - hydrography - land cover - boundaries and dividing lines - geographical names. DTK 50V is from 2017 available also as a seamless vector cartographic set of data, which is maintained as SHP files (46). SHP files are also available for the users. The data of the vector DTK 50 are used for spatial planning, for field orientation purposes, as a basis for other topics and as a source for the production of different maps.